The Health, Safety and Wellbeing of our staff and delivery partners are of paramount importance and is a key foundation for delivering our purpose.
The S&T Cover Integrated Management System is certified to the ISO 45001:2018 Health and Safety standard and we adopt best practice guidelines from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and the Department for Transport (DfT). Our key Health, Safety and Wellbeing policies are listed here:
Fatigue Risk Policy Statement (POL-05)
Work Safe Policy Statement (POL-10)
Driver & Vehicle Policy Statement (POL-11)
Transport Safety Policy Statement (POL-18)
Transport Infringements Policy Statement (POL-20)
Workforce health and wellbeing is guided by our Work Safe Policy Statement (POL-10) and directly managed through our externally audited Health and Wellbeing procedure (SAF-23). Our Health and Wellbeing procedure also mirrors the vison of the Network Rail “everyone fit for the future” occupational health and wellbeing strategy. Our full occupational health and wellbeing approach includes:
Fatigue Management
Health surveillance and fit for work assessment.
Suicide prevention and stress management
Trauma management
Mental health
Health, Safety and Wellbeing
Sustainability and Social Value
Our S&T Cover Strategy and Action Plan for social value and sustainability was developed with the Step-By-Step scheme and is titled:
“Growth and development without boundaries”
"We are fully committed to delivering social value and sustainable development at S&T Cover. This strategy and action plan forms an essential path for the future growth and success of our business as well as the communities in which we work. This strategy and action plan is centred around social issues outside our traditional management boundaries where they are relevant to our activities and services. Our core objectives and operational focus remains delivering safe, efficient, and reliable services.”
Adam Pinfield - Business Director.
We have provided an extract of our key management objectives and impact areas below and our summary plan is available for download and review. Please click here to download
Our Integrated Management System is also certified to the ISO14001:2015 Environmental Management standard and includes the key policies listed below:
Social Value Policy
Sustainability Policy
Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Equal Opportunities and Human Rights Policy
Integrated Management System Policy
Living Wage Policy
We also the capability to deliver Environment and Sustainability project deliverables associated with our projects including:
Environment and Social Appraisal
Environment and Social Management Plan
Site Waste Management Plan
KPI and rail social value tool reporting
Preliminary Ecological Appraisal
Flood Risk Assessment
Contaminated land Preliminary Risk Assessment
Embodied Carbon calculations
Collaboration and Innovation
We have a strong supporting supply chain which includes trusted SME delivery partners.
Our sister company S&T training delivers approved and assured training on:
Track safety
Signalling courses
Signal Testing
Health and Safety
We have a long-standing partnership with our key resource supplier Construct RS which supplies:
General Track labour
Safe Work Leaders
S&T Cover Signalling and Power expertise requires extensive competence management required for our works on railway infrastructure as required under various Network Rail standards including:
NR/L2/SIG/30014/B110 SWT, IRSE Licence Requirements
NR/L2/SIG/30014/B410 SWT, Staff Competency Assessment
NR/L2/SIG/11201-A2-20 Correlation of Signalling Records
NR/L2/SIG/30014/A110 Signal Works Testing
NR/L2/SIG/30014/B510 Appointment of Tester in Charge
NR/L2/SIG/30014/B510 Appointment of Tester in Charge Form
NR/L2/SIG/30014/C210 Testing Strategy
NR/L2/SIG/30014/C120 Signal Works Test Plans
NR/L2/SIG/30014/E110 Tester Identifiers
NR/L2/SIG/30014/B210 Appointment of SWT certificates of competency (App B)
NR/L2/SIG/30014/D120 SWT-Modules
Key competence management aspects within S&T Cover are outlined here.
Competence Framework Process Outline
Assessment of Competence
Pre-employment checks necessary competence such as IRSE
Safety Critical
Activities Comeptency
Ensure compliance with specific Network Rail standards
Re-Training and Assessment
When issues, close calls or
incidents occur
Re-Assessment of Competence
Ensure compliance with specific Network Rail standards
When issues, close calls or
incidents occur
Competence framework process outline
Assessment of competence
All workers and technical staff (new and existing) employed on safety critical works shall be subject to regular checks. A pre-employment check shall be carried out in line with our Human Resource Procedure (QA-07)
Re-assessment of competence
All employees shall have their safety critical competence abilities re-assessed at intervals dependent upon:
The activities relationship to risk,
Individual performance that does not meet the required standard,
Infrequent performance of the activity,
Changes / Stipulations in safety requirements, procedures or working practices,
Certification time frames such as SMTH, SWTH and IRSE licences
Safety Critical Activities which require competency management control
Safety critical activities / posts are identified in job descriptions and are in line with Network Rail standards where any work carried out may affect systems of safety or safe inter-working on Network Rail controlled infrastructure.
Competent Assessors
S&T Cover Ltd have staff that are Qualified & Competent Assessors for all relevant activities. Where shortfalls are identified these shall be sourced via the approved suppliers list.
Retraining and assessment
Various methods of assessment are used to ensure a high standard of work and competence is maintained such as workplace assessments and site inspections.